We have compiled a list of 4 common challenges that are faced when starting an offshore company
Complaints Policy
Global Immigration Africa (Pty) Ltd has a complaints policy of dealing with any problems and difficulties quickly and fairly.
We will do this by monitoring all complaints and suggestions to help us identify what is going wrong and how we can improve and by having a system which:
- is easily accessible and well publicised.
- is simple to understand and use.
- is speedy, with established time limits for action, and keeps people informed of progress.
- is fair, with full and objective investigation procedures.
- maintains the confidentiality of both staff and customers.
- effectively addresses all the points at issue, and provides appropriate redress.
- provides information to management so that services can be improved.
Our complaints policy & procedures cover all aspects of our services including:
- the registration and provision of information.
- our products and sales.
- SA, UK, US and offshore incorporations of companies.
- acting as intermediary in the arrangements of trusts.
- acting as an intermediary in the arrangement of banking services.
- company and personal credit file analysis and ‘repair’.
- advice on company and legislative issues.
- our general support of customers.
If you are not happy with a specific aspect of our service, tell the member of staff you are dealing with. If the complaints concern our website delivered services you can email our Customer Services Section [email protected]
Our staff will take full details of your concerns or complaints and will do all they can to resolve the difficulty. If the member of staff fails to satisfy your concerns then he or she will ask you to put your complaint in writing and send it to our Customer Services Section, at our South African office. All our staff are under instructions to make a note of any complaint not resolved immediately and place a copy with the director responsible for our Customer Services Section. This will be matched to your written complaint when it is received.
Upon receipt of a formal notice of concern or complaints, the following policy will immediately be instigated.
- Your complaint will be acknowledged with 48 hours of receipt (excluding weekends) and you will be told the time it will take to investigate your concerns and the date by which you will be notified of any decision made.
- At the same time, the member of staff responsible for the service provided to you will be asked to report back on the matters you raise to a senior manager. This will normally occur within 7 days of our acknowledgement being sent to you but may be up to 21 days in exceptional circumstances (for example should the particular member of staff be absent on holidays)
- The senior manager responsible will then consider your concerns in conjunction with the report he has received from the member of staff who handled the service provided to you initially and will make a decision based on all known facts. If further investigation is needed he will write and tell you so and give you new deadlines by which your complaint will be fully resolved.
- Having made his decision, the senior manager will write to inform you of his decision and will provide you with supporting reasons whatever that decision may be. If you are not satisfied with our decision, you may write to the Director responsible for Customer Care whose name and email address will be supplied at the same time that the decision is notified to you.
- If after writing and having received a decision from the director reviewing your concerns, you are still not satisfied you can write to The National Consumer Commission (NCC) and in some cases The Consumer Goods And Services Ombud. In advising you of any final decision taken by the company, you will be given all the necessary information to enable you to take your complaint further should you feel the need to do so.
- After receiving an adjudication if you are still unhappy you can contact the Judiciary
- In all cases we will guarantee that whatever your complaint we will:-
- Not exceed 8 weeks in dealing with your complaint
- ensure your confidentiality.
- acknowledge your correspondence and give you a reference number.
- review the issue thoroughly and give you a full response within 28 days.
- if we need more time because the problem is complex tell you within a further 20 working days.
- talk it over with you if your complaint needs special action.
- deal with you in a polite and courteous manner.
- always give you a contact point, name and telephone number.
- consider the appropriate form of redress whenever necessary.
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