South African Corporate Name Reservation Form

Reserve a Company Name

  • A reserved company name will be valid for 6 months and will expire thereafter, if not used.
  • During the 6 months period the reserved name can be used to register a new company.
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CIPC: Reserve a Company Name Form

Applicant details

Full Names

Name as written on your government issued ID

Your email address
Phone number to reach in case of emergency

Please include your country code

Company Names

The Applicant applies in term of section 12 of the Companies Act, 2008 to reserve the first eligible name among the following:


The first available name will be reserved. Please arrange the name as your preferred choice. (Insert the proposed name or names to be considered in order for reservation).

Capture between one and four names in order of preference. Ensure that you capture the names accurately. If you make a mistake you will need to apply for a name change at a later stage.

1st Company name
2nd Company name
3rd Company name
4th Company name

Does any proposed name:

If the answer of any question is “Yes”, please attach a separate sheet setting out the information or satisfactory evidence required by Regulation 8 (3) to (6), as applicable, with respect to each name.

By submitting this form, I hereby certify that the information is true and correct in every aspect and agree to the terms and conditions and request that GLOBAL IMMIGRATION AFRICA (PTY) LTD submit the company name reservation on my behalf with the Companies & Intellectual Property Commission (CIPC).


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